A poem is written to point to a star
A poem is written to point to a star; if you can follow the words they
take you there
A journey, an adventure into somewhere unknown
May I show you a place that I was taken to, will you follow my words
Just let go and feel the lines of the poem, touch the rhythm, connect and
let go...
The day was long and full of pain, my heart was pounding, vision
blurring walking in a heavy rain
I got lost alone in a dangerous land, I lied, cheated, stole, did
anything to get out
But I was stuck between rock and stone
A wall came up suddenly, I hit it hard
Dazed, I stumbled and fell into someone's arms
He touched my head and everything went away, the cold, the pain -
GONE suddenly, I was warm, free, floating in ecstasy
His spirit reached mine and rushed me past all these worlds into his
perfect world of Enlightenment
I was healed, freed and loved In one breath
My body expanded to the sky and I could see beyond "me"
Timelessness, spacelessness - FREEDOM
He looked in my eyes and I went away, into them - beyond them, I never
came back
It's beautiful here there is no pain, just empathy
Like a bird that can fly without wings or wind
It's like being in the palm of the hand of God - everything is light
Some people are here on this earth pretending to be like us -
They have a body, drive a car - but they are not here
Their minds are drifting in beautiful worlds of light
We must build enough sight to see them
If you can find someone who can see you through your limitations you
have met your teacher
A teacher gives you the opportunity to say, "I don't know it all"
The true teacher works through everyone all day you see him, the people
you pass on the street
The homeless, rich, every encounter is an opportunity to learn
My teacher's name is Rama - He's healed me
I will never forget the compassion in his eyes like a crack between the
He picked me up and carried me through to the other side
It was like being at the end of your rope, dangling over an abyss and
this wind shaped like a man
Picks you up and you're flying, the sky turns from midnight black to blue
to red to yellow
To golden white, blindly bright
And you look at your hands, they fade into gold, you become love
That is what Rama feels like.
-- Cindy