1,000 Magical Nights

How to tell the tale of 1,000 magical nights?

How to describe 1,000 nights -- suspended in stillness -- in brilliance-- in drama-- in lucidity -- in laughter - in intensity -- in miracles-- in grace.

Suspended by your Diamond Mind.

So many blessings burnt into my being.

How could have I been so fortunate?
Grown so complacent?
Forgotten so much?

How do I begin to remember?

Tell the tale to others who would listen. The tale of 1,000 magical nights. The tale of 10,000 Enlightened States of Mind. The tale with no beginning and no end.

Keep telling the tale until the teller and the tale become pure - become dharma - reflecting your Diamond Mind.

Beloved Rama, grant me the final boon that I may honor your life by telling this tale.

-- Peter